Important News about technology
For many business owners, just the thought of a computer virus infection is a nightmare. However, that isn’t surprising. After all, how many business owners really want to deal with a computer infection that may cause severe damage to their important documents and data? It is no big secret that modern computer viruses can cause…
There are numerous issues that a home computer technician can help you solve. Whether you’re dealing with needing to back up your photos and important documents, need to fix a broken computer, or have purchased new equipment and need help installing it, 911 Computer is happy to help. We provide all of the following services…
Over 78% of the households in the United States own a desktop or laptop. Having a laptop allows you to surf the Internet or get some work done while on the go. Making sure these high-tech machines are well taken care of should be one of your top concerns. Some people know very little about…