On site computer repair is routinely done nowadays by the manufacturing company, which has sold the machine to the computer owner. They invariably have an ID with which they can log on to the computer and manage the repairs during the warranty period.
After the initial warranty period if the buyer opts for extended warranties, the provision for computer repairs through online access will continue. Independent computer service centres also provide on site computer repair services.
Since most service providers offer the choice of online service along with on site or off site computer repairs, it is up to the customer to choose which one he needs. While doing repair via remote access, the technician will be able to see the customer’s computer fully on his computer screen.
This means that he will be seeing all the errors and problems exactly as the customer is seeing it sitting in front of the computer. This provision makes it easy for the purchaser because he does not have to mail to the technicians or give details to him verbally what the fault is.
What type of repair work is done by the tech person:-
Different types of PC repairs like:-
- Getting rid of viruses,
- Removing spy ware,
- Installing software,
- Updating software or operating system,
- Reversing file corruption,
- Forms of computer optimization
All easily be done through remote access. Computer repair requirements resulting from mechanical reasons will be less amenable to repair by remote access. At least some of the problems will require on site repair. Even so, service providers will be able to identify the problem from a distance without having to come in person and examine the machine. Sometimes they will be able to rectify the problem by giving online guidance to the customer.
Also getting a diagnosis done by remote access saves them time and the need to travel just for examining. Even though during online repairs the machine is completely left open to the technician at the other end, the owner does not completely lose control over the machine.
There is a provision, which allows the owner to deny access if he feels that there is misuse. With time being a restraint for everybody, lots of people favour to have their computer maintenance done through remote access. As long as users have a good Internet connection, problems can be solved instantly.
Onsite computer repair service providers generally charge an hourly rate. It is a money saver formula for both the customer and the service provider. Since the travelling expense is not there, the technician will be able to charge less for it, and also provide the service at all times of the day.